Accelerate your deals with better tools and better partners

  • Opportunities that fit your investment criteria

  • Projects screened for economics and production estimates

  • Market insight from deals won and lost

  • Diligence tools for faster closings and cleaner deal execution

Transaction Types

Project Acquisitions

Developers and investors seeking third party investors for PPAs, leases, and energy services agreements with customers

Tax Credit Transfers

Customer-owned and developer-owner projects seeking ITC buyers for tax credit transfers

Stop wasting time on unrealistic economics


Conductor Solar reviews every project, ensuring each is investor-ready before you spend time on it. We’ve partnered with DNV’s Solar Resource Compass to validate production estimates on each project so you can be sure everything you see on Conductor is an opportunity, not a liability.

Conductor Solar works with hundreds of Developers and EPCs across the country. If you can execute on a deal with integrity, then we will help you put more dollars to work with new partners.

Find high-quality project partners

Solar Installer

Conductor Solar’s built-in tools improve communication and transparency across the deal. We allow Investors to focus on substantive issues and spend less time managing the transaction.

Focus on projects, not paperwork

Problem Solving